• Short Bio:

    Dr. Ely Repiso is a Tenure-track Lecturer Professor at the Politecnical University of Catalonia (UPC). She was Post PhD researcher related to a trilateral project of Artificial Intelligence for Human robot interaction (AI4HRI) at LAAS-CNRS of Toulouse (France) during 2 years and a half. She received her Ph.D. in Collaborative Social Robot Navigation in Accompanying and Approaching Tasks from the Doctorat en Automàtica, Robòtica i Visió (ARV) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) in 2020, with international mention and qualification of Excellent Cum Laude. During her Ph.D., she did a research stay at the ATR of Japan under the supervision of Takayuki Kanda, and she participates with her Ph.D.-work in several national and international projects related to the Institut of Robotica e Informatica Industrial (IRI) (Cargo-ANTS, ColRobTransp, Robot-Int-Coop, ROBOCOM++, TERRINET, AI4EU, MdM). She was an assistant professor at the UPC during the academic courses of 2019/2020 and 2020/2021. Her research interests include people-tracking, people prediction, robot navigation, robot-human accompaniment, robot approaching to people, task planning for Human robot Interaction, and general HRI.


You can see the list of my publications at Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=jO_K-WgAAAAJ&hl=es&oi=ao

Also, you can find all my pre-prints of my Phd thesis and Master thesis in this website:


My Phd thesis is also available here: Collaborative Social Robot Navigation in Accompanying and Approaching Tasks. | FUTUR (upc.edu)

The link of my database of my IJSR journal of 2020 was removed by IRI, I’m not sure now when. Then, I include here the ANONYMOUS data (It is to say, rosbags and txt-with-people-track positions.). You can download it here: ADD-link. And the one of the database are inside the folder: rosbags_database_solo_rosbags/ and each day experiments are included in a folder with the name of the day and month. The others are previous tests. Inside there are rosbags of Tibi and Teo (due to occlusions, we use two robots to have all the time the legs detected by one of the robots) and in the txt are the best sequences of tracks that I can extract using my tracker (to after will be able to do the learning of the parameters for the repulsive forces for the accompanied people that I did in this paper).

CODE of my Degree, Master and PhD:

You can find all the theory and codes of my Degree, Master and PhD at IRI in next .zip of this link:

You need to decompress the zip with name: 2_ws_for_IVO/ws_ivo.zip.
The codes use a docker set up to test them.
The instructions to install them are inside the docs file of each folder.
You can search in this folder using the name of each code to obtain it.

1. The tracker is in: iri_people_tracking_mht
2. The human-robot accompaniment has name: iri_robot_aspsi
3. The group human-robot accompaniment using V-form and Side-by-side is in (We used a flag to change to the ASP-VG to the ASP-SG): iri_atr_akp_local_planner_companion
4. The code to approach a person: iri_akp_local_planner_approaching
5. The code to approach a person and accompaniment will be included when I can.

Note: the docx files of errors in this folder are for the case that you download it directly from the gitlab that you need to ensure to do some things to download it directly there. But both versions should be the last version of the codes. In my drive I can ensure, at IRI, I’m not there. Then, I expect but I can not be sure.
Also, remember that the parameters of the forces of the Extended Social Force Model maybe can need some small adjustments (if the environment is very different to the one, I used, or the Country is different because people can behave in different way).

*** Note: Also, these codes can be got it at IRI-gitlab: https://gitlab.iri.upc.edu/users/sign_in

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